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Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Weekend with Penoy

This weekend, I got to see and spend time with my niece, Penoy. She is often brought by her parents in our house at Makati so that she can also spend time with her "ngongo" (lolo) and "ngonga" (lola). For this visit, she had an overnight stay with us.

On her first day, she played almost the whole time with her new toys. Her ninang Achie (my eldest sister) gave her a push tray with plates, saucers and cups as a gift for her 2nd birthday. I, on the other hand finally passed on to her my favorite toy when I was a kid - small stove given by my dad. Talk about perfect timing. It goes well with her new toy. All the more she was so excited to play. That she was so kind to give every visitor of hers a toy of cup of tea =). Moreover, she showed us her own version of ballet. That made us all laughed in a good way. She's really amazing.

As for her 2nd day with us, we brought her in church. I accompanied her to stay in Kid's Church where she's also with the same age as hers. Got her registered and when we were in the room we we're supposed to remove our shoes because we'll be sitting on the mat. But one should have socks and she doesn' have one. So, I brought her 2 pairs of red socks only for P10. Cheap huh! And surprisingly, Penoy liked the color!

For starter, the teacher in charge prayed. While praying, a little girl approached us by which I was surprised because everyone should be sitting down. I don't know why she got loosed by her yaya or guardian. And worst, she approached us to get the toy Penoy was holding. Of course, you will expect the defense. Penoy screamed at the top of her lungs and wouldn't want to let go of the toy. And yes, in the middle of the prayer, hehe. But when I started whispering to her that it's okay to share and that there were alot of toys around her that she can play with, she finally stopped. Well, the grabbing of toys still happened several times during our stay. But good thing about my niece, when you tell her to share, she stops and let go. It was really a bonding moment for us, tita "awesome" (as how she calls me because she can't mention my nickname the right way, hehe) and Penoy. I felt so special whenever she calls my attention and looks for me whenever I was away. Indeed I was so blessed to have this kind of moment with my niece this weekend. Penoy cuddling her favorite toy in the room Penoy goofing around with a small hoop on her face Penoy reading Almost lost with a lot of pillows

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Coffee Break with Ngongo & Ngonga

This friday night I decided to run at my usual route in one of the parks in Legaspi Village Makati. But I learned that my parents are going to attend the "Meet & Greet" in our church at Fort so I decided to tag myself along. I thought it was perfect to run my 10km while waiting for them then go to Starbucks afterwards so to use daddy's HSBC's free coffee. But unexpectedly, they weren't able to attend because there were no more parking slots and they got to park far from the church. It ate so much of my parent's time that they decided not to attend anymore. With this, my dad called me. But unfortunately, I didn't feel my phone vibrating and I just decided to looked at it when I approached my 5.5km. I got 5 missed calls and 2 messages from my dad. I really got so "bitin" and a bit frustrated that I didn't get my goal. To think that I was really focused to get it that night. Oh well, I said things happen for a reason. At least I was able to reached 5.5km. And so we went to have coffee. We chose Starbucks at The Column since it's near our house. We all got a little chaotic while parking because again there were almost no parking slots. But as we settled in the coffee shop, I got a little sentimental. This is a rare moment for us that we "chill" and talk while having coffee at Starbucks. I only do this often with friends, not with my parents. That's why I secretly took a shot of my dad during our coffee moment. Again, another day to be thankful of. =)

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Woshrip Night Experience

The Victory Christian Fellowship, Fort held it's 3rd Worship Night yesterday. The church started having once a month worship night just last May. As for this month's worship, it was a bit different because they made this to break the 3 day prayer and fasting of the church in preparation for the EN2010 conference and the inaguration of our new elected president.
I joined the church in praying and fasting. I gave up one meal (breakfast) and watching television for 3 days. Instead of doing these things I used my time to get to know more of God. It was an awesome experience. Also, it was timely that I was reading this book entitled "The Mystery of the Empty Stomach" by Joey Bonifacio. I had fresh realizations about fasting and got clearly what God wants me to do. So as to end the fasting, it was perfect to attend the worship night.