I'm so proud to end my first month of this year achieving a certain goal I set on myself, that is to join the Sheer Will Aquathlon Cup (SWAC) - 4th edition: Jan 30, 2010, 6am at Camp Aguinaldo Classic Division (600m swim + 5km run). This mini aquathlon event gave me the chance to test myself in preparation for the Ateneo Aquathlon on March 14, 2010.

The event was so organized. It started with the registration of the participants and then briefing of the race. The classic division started the first leg (600m swim + 5km) followed by the lite division (400m swim + 3km). The running track was quite easy to remember and no hill part.

After the race, there was enough food for everyone. Definitely a good breakfast - "silog" breakfast + coffee + the very delicious "suman" stuffed with leche flan and ube.

Just after our yummy breakfast the awarding took place led by the commissioner himself,Rico.
SWAC was also highlighted by the photobongbong booth. It captured all the happy faces of the people who participated and helped in this event.

My first feel of aquathlon was a very memorable event. I can't deny the overwhelming experience after finishing the race. I never felt so proud of myself for conquering such competition. Thank you SWAC peeps and TAKBO.PH family for making this event possible. Congratulations to all! =D
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